Revert tagged or snapped versions for component(s)
$bit reset [component-pattern]
Additional Notes


component-patterncomponent name, component id, or component pattern. use component pattern to select multiple components. wrap the pattern with quotes. use comma to separate patterns and "!" to exclude. e.g. "ui/**, !ui/button". use '$' prefix to filter by states/attributes, e.g. '$deprecated', '$modified' or '$env:teambit.react/react'. use `bit pattern --help` to understand patterns better and `bit pattern <pattern>` to validate the pattern.
component-versionthe version to untag (semver for tags. hash for snaps)


OptionOption AliasDescriptionValue Type
--all-arevert all unexported tags/snaps for all componentsboolean
--head-revert the head tag/snap only (by default, all local tags/snaps are reverted)boolean
--soft-revert only soft-tags (components tagged with --soft flag)boolean
--force-frevert the tag even if it's used as a dependency. WARNING: components that depend on this tag will be corruptedboolean
--never-exported-reset only components that were never exportedboolean