Show the diff between the components' current source files and config, and their latest snapshot or tag
$bit diff [component-pattern] [version] [to-version]


component-patterncomponent name, component id, or component pattern. use component pattern to select multiple components. wrap the pattern with quotes. use comma to separate patterns and "!" to exclude. e.g. "ui/**, !ui/button". use '$' prefix to filter by states/attributes, e.g. '$deprecated', '$modified' or '$env:teambit.react/react'. use `bit pattern --help` to understand patterns better and `bit pattern <pattern>` to validate the pattern.
versionspecific version to compare against
to-versionspecific version to compare to


OptionOption AliasDescriptionValue Type
--verbose-vshow a more verbose output where possibleboolean
--table-tshow tables instead of plain text for dependencies diffboolean