The platform workspace is usually built and maintained by the platform team, providing product teams APIs for extending and building the platform and responsible for the platform composition.
Create a new Bit workspace:
bit new basic my-feature -d
Head to the workspace and import the platform component and the aspect:
bit import wayne.wayne/wayne-cloud wayne.wayne/wayne-platform
Run the platform:
bit run wayne-cloud
Output will show the used for running the platform, head to it to see the platform running.
You can test your changes on dependents by either importing them to your workspace, or by using Change requests and Ripple CI. To import components for testing use the following command:
bit import wayne.people/people
It is recommended to use Change requests and Ripple CI for the affect of your changes on other aspects.
You can create a starter for your platform to ease onboarding to platform development. Create your Harmony dev environment, and add a new Workspace Template. Once added you can use the following command:
bit new my-platform --env my-org.platform/my-platform
It is common to deploy to staging during snap
and to production using tag
. Lanes can be used to propose a set of changes.
You can use Lanes to propose your changes, test change impact and update dependents:
bit lane create introducing-billing
Version your changes:
bit snap --message 'building the billing aspect'
Learn more on setting your platform deployment.
It is common to deploy to production using the platform deploy
bit tag --message 'releasing my feature'
It is recommended to release using the Bit Cloud change request after testing change effect and product review.